This is an excerpt from the main AMPlay documentation. * 8.11 License: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * 8.11.1 Preamble: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The application contains routines derived from the DrWimp library. These are covered by their own license documents. The relevant sections are; [...] Distribution of the Dr Wimp package (and programs constructed using the DrWimp library) by third parties: Freeware. The DrWimp library may be distributed for free and without the documentation, examples, utilities, etc. if it is being used as part of a freeware product. (It would be nice if your documentation acknowledged Dr Wimp - and don't forget that my web-site has a page for links to your Dr Wimp applications, if you let me know .....) [...] The DrWimp library may be reproduced in part if crunching and mangling utilities such as !BSquasher and !MakeApp are used, otherwise it must be reproduced in whole, complete with its opening REMs containing the Conditions of Use and the copyright banner. [...] Conversation with Ray Favre (the maintainer of DrWimp) has confirmed that compiling using the ABC compiler from Castle is allowed, and is treated in the same was as crunching would be. It's also worth noting that the DrWimp library was modified slightly in the process of creating AMPlay. These modifications have been discussed with Ray and are allowed. The modified library is included with the source download, and my changes have also been submitted to Ray for inclusion in future versions. (The changes are to fix some issues that would otherwise prevent compilation, and resolve a memory leak with dynamic menus). * 8.11.2 License Text ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This application is Freeware. There is no charge for using this application. You may copy it, and distribute it as widely as you like with the following restrictions: - Only the complete application is distributed. Portions of this application may not be distributed either separately, or as part of another product. - It must be distributed unmodified. You may produce modified versions, but they must be derived from the AMPlay source materials, available separately, and covered by their own license. - You may not claim parts of the application as your own work. - No charge other than media and postage costs is made for this application. - I take no responsibility for any damage that arises to your system as a result of running this application. There is no warranty of any kind. The source code for this application is available, but is not included in this archive. It is downloadable from my website as a separate file, and contains its own license file. ________________________________________________________________________ Copyright © 2008 Mike Sandells, Last Modified: 31.05.2008